Over half a million success stories, and no recorded successful theft attempts!
Mastergard’s M6000 Immobilizer Keeps Vehicles Theft-Proof
M6000 Anti-Theft Device
On a daily basis in North America, thousands of alternative anti-theft systems are installed by vehicle owners with little to no effect in stopping today’s sophisticated auto thief. With Mastergard’s M6000 you don’t have to be a victim of the theft problem that costs North Americans $9 Billion annually and continues to rise.
Theft Proof
Cannot be overridden by any known device. Electronically shuts down multiple vital systems - each prevents the vehicle from moving by itself.
Tested, Certified & Approved
Conforms to the Canadian Standard for Automobile Theft Deterrent Equipment and Systems: Electronic Immobilization; (Can/ULC-S.338)
Fully passive system. User friendly - nothing to remember.
Flashing status LED.
Owner Programmable
Lost/Stolen “programming out” ability.
Billions of code variants.
Professionally Installed
Installed only by trained and certified technicians (click here to find one in your area)
Mastergard Enterprises Inc recommends that a certified technician installs its M1000 Relay Immobilizer product. The M9000 CAN bus Software Immobilizer and M6000 Transponder Immobilizer MUST be installed only by Mastergard Enterprises Inc certified and trained installers/installation facilities to Mastergard specifications. Installed Mastergard Immobilizer products are intended for use as a theft deterrent device and therefore does not guarantee to prevent theft of or damage to a vehicle, its accessories, or contents. From time to time, vehicle manufacturers change the electrical specifications of their vehicles. Care should be taken to ensure that such modifications do not cause excessive currents to be carried by the Mastergard immobilizer products, which may lead to damage of the Mastergard immobilizer and/or the vehicle components. The onus is on the certified technician, installation facility/installer to ascertain the suitability of the Mastergard Immobilizer products for use on the intended vehicle. Mastergard Enterprises Inc., and/or its Distributors/Agents accept no liability for damage or consequential losses arising from incorrect installation and/or subjecting the Mastergard Immobilizer products to higher electrical loads than it is rated.